Monday, April 7, 2014

Manzana releases European Tourdates 2014 !

Finnish Rock/Metal band Manzana is touring Europe with Maryann Cotton (DEN/USA), Tampere based Peekaboo Primate and Luxury Toys from Lahti! The tour is called Finnish Rock Tour 2014, and it begins May 2nd in Switzerland and reaches 9 countries! Find the city closest to you and rock like mad ! More info : FinnishRockTour2014

26.03 Amadeus, Tampere
18.04  Yo-Talo, Tampere
19.04  Vastavirta, Tampere
1.5  Subway to Peter, Chemnitz, GER /w Maryann Cotton
2.5. Star Club, Uster SUI /w Maryann Cotton
5.5. U Ocka, Bratislava, SK /w Maryann Cotton
6.5. Mersey, Brno, CZ /w Maryann Cotton
7.5. Modra Vopice, Praha, CZ /w Maryann Cotton
8.5. Orion, Praha, CZ (acoustic)
9.5. Blackland, Berlin, GER
11.5. U Bazyla, Poznań, PL
12.5. Fonobar, Warsow, PL
14.5. Alaus Namai, Vilnus, LIT
15.5. Melno Cepurīšu Balerija, Jelgava, LAT
16.5. Fontaine Palace, Liepaja, LAT

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